Five Whys Exercise

Re-examine the original problem by asking why and how. In this list, each statement can be understood as answering "why" the statement below it, while also answering "how" to the statement above it.

 In what way might I ... 
  • lead a more positive and satisfying life
  • listen to more music
  • increase access to music during daily activities
  • * provide quick and easy access to earbuds
  • prevent tangling of the earbuds cables when stored (my previous gap from Week 1) 

The higher-level gap in bold helps to broaden the definition of the design problem and exposes types of solutions that might have been overlooked with the more narrowly defined gap. For example, we might start looking at issues like how to find the earbuds at the bottom of a disorganized backpack.

 Revised Gap Statement: a system to provide quick and easy access to earbuds during everyday activities

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