My design gap: a system to provide quick and easy access to earbuds during everyday activities

Primary user needs:
  • Makes earbuds easier to deploy or store (fewer tangles)
  • Makes the earbuds last longer
  • Has a compact design
  • Protects earbuds from harsh environments
  • Makes it easier to locate earbuds
  • Is well-made and durable
  • Has attractive aesthetic characteristics

Selected Concept: The Peace Sign

The concept that has emerged as the preferred concept is the Peace Sign case with two hubs and a protective flap:
This week I have been exploring refinements to the Peace Sign concept. The sketches below explore some of these refinements, taking into account the full range of user needs and some new user feedback. I am also beginning to contemplate potential production materials and methods, which may influence the design. 

Through this process, some new ideas for the basic concept have come out, including a hybrid concept that combines the Peace Sign with the rubber shell idea from another concept. I may keep this option open for further prototyping.

Concept Selection Process

To narrow the field of concepts, I interviewed several friends who would be target users of the product. Most of the interviews were done one-on-one in person, and one was done via email. In each case, I presented the concept sketches for the three designs that performed best during the prototyping exercise: the Wraptor, the Peace Sign, and the Rubber Donut.

The interviews were semi-structured and flowed from users' responses to these questions:
  • Which of these concepts would you prefer if they were available to purchase at your usual source?
  • What do you like or dislike about these concepts? What improvements would you like to see?
  • How likely would you be to purchase your preferred concept as compared to other solutions available in the market? Why?

The interview process both confirmed that the designs were fairly successful in resolving most primary user needs, and also exposed some areas for improvement. It was very useful to discuss the likes and dislikes for each concept and to consider how positive attributes from various concepts might be combined.

The majority of users were clear in their preference for the Peace Sign concept, favoring the double hub over a single hub for its better handling of in-line mics and the smaller size overall. The Rubber Donut concept was the second choice for most users who liked the aesthetics and wondered if the shell design might be quicker to use than the flap design of the Peace Sign.