Revised Gap: a system to provide quick and easy access to earbuds during everyday activities
My Design Gap: I would like to design a better solution for storing my earbuds when I'm not using them.

I use my earbuds every day, and I carry them with me when travel around the city. I really enjoy good music; it can transform any mundane situation into the best part of my day. I like to be able to quickly put my earbuds on while I walk or ride transit, and to also put them away again easily without tangling them up. 

I usually keep my earbuds in a pocket, so it is important to me that they are protected, but also that they don't take up too much space.

It takes a few extra moments to neatly organize them before storing them. Often I find that I have done it too quickly, and I must spend another few moments untangling them next time. I worry that in my haste, I may cause damage to my earbuds, which can be expensive to replace.

A successful solution should:
  • Protect the earbuds from everyday perils
  • Be compact enough to keep in my pocket
  • Store the earbuds neatly and prevent tangles
  • Not cause damage to the thin cords by overstraining them
  • Be sturdy and protect the earbuds from dirt

Why I Chose This Gap

Besides addressing a problem I experience daily, I chose this project because it meets these criteria for the course:
  • I personally experience this gap
  • I know lots of people who use earbuds with their phones and music players; many of them may have the same  experiences have
  • I expect to be able to develop an artifact that can address this gap in the timeframe of this course
  • I am interested in product design, so this project fits the bill