1. A way to store my house and bike lock keys in my bag that keeps them easily accessible when I am on my bike
  2. A way to maintain consistent hedge height while pruning
  3. Better/faster earbud storage system
  4. A way to sync my grocery list with the actual food in my house
  5. An outdoor water dish that the dog can refill when it gets empty
  6. A wall-mounted guitar hanger that holds the guitar more securely and is aesthetically pleasing
  7. A non-tacky way to encourage people who park in front of my house to pull forward enough that a second car can also fit
  8. A way to capture fumes from spray paint and other finishes in my basement that can also be stored away easily
  9. A better system for neatly storing shoes by the door at my house
  10. A better way to deal with laundry that needs to be dried flat, particularly when there are several items at one time

For the course, I plan to develop a design for 3. Better Earbud Storage. More can be found at My Gap.

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